* Class representing Jaccard similarity calculations.
* @class
class Jaccard {
* Calculates the Jaccard similarity coefficient between two sets.
* @param {Set<any>} s1 - The first set for comparison.
* @param {Set<any>} s2 - The second set for comparison.
* @returns {float} - The Jaccard similarity coefficient between the two sets, ranging from 0.0 (no similarity) to 1.0 (perfect similarity).
static similarity(s1, s2) {
// Convert input arguments to Sets for efficient element handling
const set1 = new Set(s1);
const set2 = new Set(s2);
// Calculate Intersection: Elements present in both sets
const intersection = new Set([...set1].filter(x => set2.has(x)));
// Calculate Union: All unique elements from both sets
const union = new Set([...set1, ...set2]);
// Jaccard Similarity: Ratio of intersection size to union size
const similarity = intersection.size / union.size;
return similarity;
export default Jaccard;